- Hi, I am Javid Dadashkarimi. Thank you for visiting my website! I am a researcher at the Martinos Center at MGH/Harvard, under the supervision of Prof. Malte Hoffmann and Prof. Bruce Fischl on the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in fetal brain imaging. I earned my Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department at Yale University, primarily under the supervision of Prof. Dustin Scheinost. I completed both my BSc and MSc degrees at the University of Tehran. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, watching football, and playing tennis when I'm not doing science : )
CAROT appears in Yale News!
Talk in Johns Hopkings University
Talk in Massachusetts General Hospital
Talk in MIT (Ev's lab)
Talk in Boston Children Hospital
Recent Projects
Trustworthy ML & Robust Statistics
Collaborative Machine Learning & Federated Learning
Functional Connectivity
Recent Papers
- Javid Dadashkarimi, Amin Karbasi, Qinghao Liang, Matthew Rosenblatt, Stephanie Noble, Maya Foster, Raimundo Rodriguez, Brendan Adkinson, Jean Ye, Huili Sun, Chris Camp, Michael Farruggia, Link Tejavibulya, Wei Dai, Rongtao Jiang, Angeliki Pollatou, Dustin Scheinost, (2023), Cross Atlas Remapping via Optimal Transport (CAROT): Creating connectomes for different atlases when raw data is not available, Medical Image Analysis,
- Javid Dadashkarimi, Matthew Rosenblatt, Amin Karbasi, Dustin Scheinost, (2023), Stacking multiple optimal transport policies to map functional connectomes, IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
- Matthew Rosenblatt, Javid Dadashkarimi, Dustin Scheinost, (2023), Enhancement attacks in biomedical machine learning, arXiv,
- Jean Ye, Huili Sun, Siyuan Gao, Javid Dadashkarimi, Matthew Rosenblatt, Raimundo X Rodriguez, Saloni Mehta, Rongtao Jiang, Stephanie Noble, Margaret L Westwater, Dustin Scheinost, (2023), Altered brain dynamics across bipolar disorder and schizophrenia revealed by overlapping brain states, Biological Psychiatry,
- Javid Dadashkarimi, Amin Karbasi, Qinghao Liang, Matthew Rosenblatt, Stephanie Noble, Maya Foster, Raimundo Rodriguez, Brendan Adkinson, Jean Ye, Huili Sun, Chris Camp, Michael Farruggia, Link Tejavibulya, Wei Dai, Rongtao Jiang, Angeliki Pollatou, and Dustin Scheinost, (2022), Cross Atlas Remapping via Optimal Transport (CAROT): Creating connectomes for any atlas when raw data is not available, arxiv,
- Qinghao Liang, Javid Dadashkarimi, Wei Dai, Amin Karbasi, Joseph Chang, Harrison H. Zhou, and Dustin Scheinost, (2022), Transforming connectomes to any parcellation via graph matching, Graphs in Biomedical Image AnaLysis,
- Javid Dadashkarimi, Amin Karbasi, and Dustin Scheinost, (2022), Combining multiple atlases to estimate data-driven mappings between functional connectomes using optimal transport, MICCAI,
- Link Tejavibulya, Max Rolison, Siyuan Gao, Qinghao Liang, Hannah Peterson, Javid Dadashkarimi, Michael C. Farruggia, C. Alice Hahn, Stephanie Noble, Sarah D. Lichenstein, Angeliki Pollatou, Alexander J. Dufford and Dustin Scheinost , (2022), Predicting the future of neuroimaging predictive models in mental health, Nature Molecular Psychiatry,
Contact Information
- javid -dot - dadashkarimi - at -
(replace dot by . and -at- by @)